The Structural Roster Designation is not a license but a roster designation. The roster designation means a licensee has met the requirements for the designation.

The roster designation is not required to practice or to offer to practice engineering.

You will not be issued a number or certificate. There will be a separate list on the website showing the designation.  There is no fee for the request.

To meet the requirements, you must already be currently licensed as an AL PE and be in Active Status.  There are 2 options.

  • If you select Option A (16 hours of structural exams and 3 years of structural experience), you must either have the results of the exams in your NCEES Account if you have one or if you do not have an NCEES Account, you must contact the State where you passed the exams and have them send us verification. We will not accept information from the applicant or a website.


  • If you select Option B (licensed in a State that separately licenses Structural Engineers and 3 years of structural experience), you must either have the verification of the license in your NCEES Account if you have one or if you do not have an NCEES Account, you must contact the State where you have the structural license and have them send us verification. We will not accept information from the applicant or a website.


    You will receive an email when your request is submitted and you’ll receive an email with your status once your request has been processed and is complete.

    To complete the Request for Structural Roster Designation log into your BELS account.  Under applications you should see the option for Structural Roster Designation.  A How To with instructions is on the website under Licensees and How To.